Amplify DEI 2021 Summit (Diversity Equity Inclusion)

Amplify DEI 2021 Summit (Diversity Equity Inclusion)


Challenging 1 Million Leaders To Move The NeedleVan 27 september om 11:00 t/m 29 september 2021 om 19:00Imagine a world where Diversity, Equity & Inclusion were at the forefront in the workplace? Together, we can create thriving work environments that empower both...
Movies that Matter On Tour: Antigone

Movies that Matter On Tour: Antigone


Antigone vluchtte als kind met haar broers en zus vanuit Algerije naar Canada. Als Antigone’s broer wordt doodgeschoten door de politie en haar andere broer dreigt te worden gedeporteerd, smeedt ze een riskant plan om de familie te redden. Meelevend drama over...
Fietsprotest tegen kernenergie

Fietsprotest tegen kernenergie


Fiets mee tegen nieuwe kerncentralesVan 24 september om 10:00 t/m 26 september 2021 om 17:00Laten zien dat er verzet is tegen de bouw van nieuwe kerncentrales. Met dat doel organiseert WISE van 24 tot en met 26 september een fietsprotest in Zeeland en Noord-Brabant....
Become an AMID Young Professional trainee in 2022!

Become an AMID Young Professional trainee in 2022!


— Are you an ambitious graduate dedicated to countering urgent and complex global challenges, such as climate change, poverty and inequality? — Do you want to invest in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for a professional to contribute to a fair...
Making Living Income Coffee a Reality | Trace Talks #4

Making Living Income Coffee a Reality | Trace Talks #4


A DEEP-DIVE SERIESVan 30 juni om 17:00 t/m About the webinar Unstable prices, unfair practices, climate change, and the pandemic are factors that cause agrarian distress. It is very difficult to withstand these challenges. But this is the reality for a lot of the...