Research and Sustainability Consultant
  • Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 18 augustus 2023

I am driven by the idea that business plays a leading role in development, gender equality, and fighting climate change, particularly through focusing on women entrepreneurship and circularity. This belief has been developed through my diverse international experience and my work as a Community Development advisor in the Peace Corps. My passion for gender equality and youth development has been strengthened from my experience in developing, implementing, and managing a girl’s empowerment camp in the Comoros Islands, and teaching English as a second language. While my knowledge for the Circular Economy has been expanded through my Master's Thesis where I conducted primary and secondary research to establish the motives for women entrepreneurs to start circular business in Brazil.

I am a hard worker, driven by my passions and ambitions to achieve gender equality through supporting circular business and women entrepreneurs. I thrive in a diverse, fast-paced dynamic community, am highly organised, succeed at multi-tasking, and working both autonomously and as a team player. I have excellent communication skills, demonstrated by my knowledge of five languages, experience in stakeholder engagement, and cross-cultural understanding.

I have demonstrated solid experience in programme management, programme design, grant proposals, budgeting, and implementing sustainable community projects. I have achieved set targets and objectives for projects through utilising M&E strategies, adhering to deadlines, and analysing data collected for reports to establish project success. I have successfully planned and managed Camp YEWA, the first girl’s empowerment camp in the Comoros, where I proactively established project scope, collaborated with local stakeholders, community members, and UNICEF, handled project reporting through result-driven management, and determined project needs through conducting needs-based assessment.

I desire to consult organisations, NGOs, SMEs, and government entities to work towards circular business models, youth engagement and women eocnomic empowerment through training, programme design, MEAL or organisational assessments.



Master of Arts @ Institute of Development Studies / University of Sussex
sep 2018 — aug 2019

Dissertation - What motivates women entrepreneurs to start circular businesses in Brasil.

Bachelor of Arts @ University of Tampa
aug 2012 — mei 2016


CEO & Founder @ Tully's Consultancy
jan 2022 — Huidig

• Conduct interviews with grant leads to establish key areas of success and do-betters, review project documents and conduct analysis of project impact utilizing RQ++ framework. Conducted CBI’s Egypt ITO project evaluation.
• Conduct initial desk review on youth entrepreneurship including a portfolio analysis of CFYE and review of key topics around youth employment. Established evidence mapping based off review to lay ground work for mid-term and end-term reports.
• Review ongoing grants for each programme to establish current ratings against foundational rubrics both looking at baseline and progress reports. Write-up evidence summaries per initiative and intervention to understand progress being made. Assist with reviewing data for sensemaking sessions. Collect data on circular economy, new economic thinking and built environment to establish ongoing trends within the related spheres. Manage MaxQDA and coding system to ensure coding is completed efficiently and with limited adaptations needed.
• Review National Policies on Climate Change, Gender, Health, WASH and Education to establish a baseline of current political settings within countries of possible project interest, this includes writing up an analyst of all documents collected in relation to WASH-related topics and opportunities for women. Collect data on WASH and education for specified countries to have overview of current situation within the country.
• Research and analysis data on current context of Mozambique and Tanzania borderlands to provide a GESI analysis for CFFS project implementation.

Project Management Consultant @ Minazi
sep 2021 — dec 2022

Consultancy working with NGOs & charities to enhance their impact through in human-centered design & engineering.
Assisting with establishing impact assessments for delivered projects, including tracking project progress, reviewing, and adjusting current project design, and establishing timeline for project assessment
Collaborating with local NGO in Rwanda to create long-term solution for sanitary pads; co-managing project design and progress and financial analysis, overseeing impact evaluation, and providing alternative solutions for sanitary pad design
Co-create M&E framework for organisation use, including a process from project inceptions to completing final M&E reviews.

Consultant @ YWCA
feb 2020 — nov 2020

Researched possible grants, assisted with grant proposal structures, generated M&E metrics, and established detailed budgets. Critiqued final draft of Dress for Success affiliate proposal to gauge effectiveness and accuracy of the application based on required guidelines. Analysed previous grant proposals and data collected from projects to determine needs, successes, and shortfalls.

Community Development Advisor @ Peace Corps
jun 2016 — jul 2018

Reduced gender gaps through designing community programs, such as discussions and clubs, to promote female empowerment, resulting in greater female involvement within the community.

Conducted monitoring and evaluation of projects through standard indicators measuring progress and effectiveness thus increasing capacity building for 500+ participants.

Designed and implemented a girl’s empowerment camp in collaboration with UNICEF and community members. Consulted local committees on project framework, grant writing, financial literacy, lesson planning, and health and security plans, thus creating a template for future camps.

Directed a 3-day camp to train 12 girls in English and life skills. Created a programme to teach gender equality, self-esteem, goal setting, leadership, business development which improved self-confidence, collaboration, and empowerment of participants, and resulted in all attendees and teaching village members what they learned through presentations and award ceremony.

Succeeded in grant proposal, through budgeting, utilizing M&E strategies, risk management, and setting deadlines.

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