- Annen, Nederland
- 4 januari 2025
I have more than twenty-five years of experience with national and international organizations in several countries, great experience in supervision, management, training, and coaching, and more than fifteen years of experience in the development, humanitarian, and microfinance sectors, in addition to very big experience in small and medium enterprises in the public and private sectors, especially in the agricultural sector.
I have diversified experiences and extensive knowledge in project planning and budgeting for development, humanitarian organizations, and INGOs in the local and international domains.
I have very good experience in developing new strategies with donors and in business consulting, evaluating businesses, preparing business plans, and conducting feasibility studies for all types of projects, organizations, and NGOs.
I have very good knowledge of dealing with donors and investors, especially in development and microfinance projects.
Also, I have very good experience in project management, doing market research, establishing new microfinance companies, institutions, and NGOs, and establishing and restructuring various companies.
Furthermore, I have very good experience in mentoring and coaching entrepreneurs, where I contributed to many entrepreneurial weekends and events, where I participated in many events as a mentor or judge in addition to presenting many courses for entrepreneurs.
As a highly motivated and results-oriented leader within the microfinance sector, I have a proven track record of providing exemplary levels of service to establish new institutions and companies.
The experience of establishing new institutions has enabled me to contribute to conducting market research and preparing business plans and policies related to the concerned institutions.
During my professional career history, I worked as a trainer for NGOs, international organizations, MFIs, and the private sector, contributing to the preparation of training plans and training materials and providing the trainees with the required training. I also worked with many international and local NGOs as a volunteer or supporter, especially helping them design their organizational structures.
University of the People - USA
Humentum International
ISR Academy – UK
Edinburgh Business School (Herriot-watt University) – Scotland - UK
(MDCI) Management Development Consulting International UK in London
Cambridge University
LSPR (London High School of Public Relations and Branding) London
Damascus University - Syria
• Preparing the required proposals for SDS (Swiss Solidarity), UNHCR, BHA, UNDP, and ECHO donors for getting the requested funds.
• Supervising the implementation of the livelihood projects in Rural Damascus, Der Ezzor, Dar’a, Lattakia, and Aleppo.
• Preparing the required implementation plans for all projects.
• Participating in initiating the M&E activities for the projects.
• Reviewing and modifying the existing training materials to fit within the required training program in both Arabic and English have been completed.
• Delivering of ToT to 11 UNDP and 11 NGO staff has been conducted.
• Delivering of BDS training to UNDP and NGOs staff for the governorates (Rural Damascus- Quneitra – Aleppo – Der Ezzour – Hasakeh).
• Setting up of 30 SHGs in 5 governorates, including selection criteria for members and sectors, has been completed.
• Designing the new policies and procedures and the operational manual for the groups’ management have been designed.
• Designing the monitoring and evaluation framework has been completed.
• Managing and organizing the new regional office for the middle and southern area of Syria.
• Designing the new policies and procedures.
• Designing the new structure for the base
• Preparing the new JDs for all staff
• Starting the implementation of all projects in the following sectors (Shelter – WASH – Distribution – Health)
• Achieving more than 150,000 beneficiaries within one year.
• Structuring more than 20 NGOs and providing them with the required training.
• Designing and financing more than s15 big projects (industrial, agricultural, and service) to help the targeted NGOs provide the target beneficiaries with sufficient income.
• Contributing to preparing the annual plan for UNDP for the coastal region.
• Implementing humanitarian assistance for the targeted displaced people.
• Holding the consultancies for establishing and providing the required training for international organizations and big companies.
• Holding the consultancies and providing the required training for some financial institutions during the establishment and operational phases.
• Preparing the training plans for some NGOs, microfinance institutions, and the public and private sectors.
• Mentoring and coaching entrepreneurs, where I contributed to many entrepreneurial weekends and events, where I participated in many events as a mentor or judge in addition to presenting many courses for entrepreneurs.
• Studying and preparing the training needs for the employees of NGOs, MFIs, and the private sector.
• Holding a lot of training sessions for many types of trainees in the public and private sectors as well as for NGOs staff.
• Providing business consulting services for establishing holding companies, NGOs, and financial institutions.
• Preparing many feasibility studies for several companies and institutions.
Designing a Microfinance Company for the Microfinance Support Centre - (LTD) (Rural Income and Employment Enhancement Project)
The main objective of this assignment was to develop a microfinance framework that will enable the development of microfinance products for MSC, with a focus on agricultural products, developing the fundraising strategy for MSC, designing the required structure, designing the required policies and manuals, training staff of the implementing agency, and selecting beneficiaries, and upgrading or setting up the MIS to comply with microfinance products. This contributed to facilitating access to and utilization of affordable, sustainable, and convenient financial and business development services for rural poor Ugandans.
• Designing a new organization structure for the IRADA Institution.
• Designing a new credit policy and procedures.
• Designing the workflow for all departments and branches.
• Designing the Authority Matrix.
• Preparing the salary scale and the incentive scheme.
• Recruiting and training all staff, including managers, supervisors, and credit officers.
• Developing the partnership strategy.
• Preparing the Business Plan for the IRADA Microfinance Institution.
• Preparing and developing a new structure for microfinance institutions: The newly prepared structure was considered one of the best microfinance structures, which enables the MFIs to work efficiently and to get the best impact.
(The new structure has been accredited by a lot of MFIs and awarded by Thomson & Reuters.).
(The new structure depends on linking the financed projects with international organizations and the big private companies trying to facilitate marketing and get the required technical assistance.).
• Disbursing around USD 33,000,000 to more than 110,000 beneficiaries until the end of December 2018, with an outstanding portfolio of USD 26,000,000 for around 80,000 beneficiaries.
• Keeping the portfolio at risk (PAR) less than 1.5%.
• Establishing the head office and 22 branches distributed in all states in Sudan.
• Applying the main services related to digital finance (using mobile money, digital applications for getting loans, linking IRADA clients with a very big network of ATMs via Bank of Khartoum, and applying mobile payments for all clients).
• Access to the required funds from several sources to build the portfolio and expand the work.
• Building the brand of IRADA MFI as the best microfinance institution in Sudan and East Africa.
• Establishing a new Institution by managing and supporting the establishment of the head office and the branches network in different areas according to the business plan.
• Preparing the market research, business plan for 5 years and the org. chart for the institution.
• Preparing the required manuals, Policies, Procedures, operation plans and budgets, in addition to the market research related to the new institution and provide feedback about market conditions and opportunities.
• Establishing and launching the new branches after training, coaching the branch employees to be able to play their roles in each branch.
• Establishing new sub-branches (Units) related to the established branches.
• Preparing the layout of the mentioned established branches.
• Growing the total portfolio by (116%) within 10 months.
• Preparing and modifying the MIS with the developer of MIS to be compatible with the institution's requirements.
• Increasing the number of beneficiaries rapidly during the first year and continuing the expansion plan by establishing new branches and units.
• Establishing new branch in Sweida city which has been evaluated as a standard branch, and it was classified in 2007 as the best branch in Syria and one of the best branches in Aga Khan Development Network.
• Recruiting and training the new staff to work in the branches.
• Launching the saving product in the four branches, where we could build a very good saving portfolio by attracting a good number of potential savers.
• Designing and launching the saving product and promoting for this new product to build very good saving portfolio in the mentioned branches.
• Re-establishing Damascus branch and creating new business culture in the branch and among the targeted beneficiaries.
• Re-establishing Mesyaf branch and applying new working mechanism.
• Re-establishing Lattakia branch and applying new working mechanism, where we found that the portfolio was very risky, and we could decrease the risk to the minimum.
• Applying the New culture of work in Damascus, Mesyaf, Sweida and Lattakia branches, where I built the teamwork in Lattakia, Sweida and Mesyaf branches by providing them with the required ideas for work with the required team spirit.
• New organized branches with very good portfolio.
• New trained employees who were able to implement the required plans and achieve their targets.
• New and very good quality of work and performance in the four branches.