The aim of the training is to explore tools and examples of successful advocating and campaigning practices. We will discuss how youth can advocate and campaign for gender and peace, what are opportunities for advocacy in the European institutions, and how to gender mainstream campaigns for youth and peace.
The training will consist of three interactive workshops, delivered by young gender activists with diverse experience:
- Advocacy and campaign for gender and peace: what youth has to do with it? by Sahro Ahmed H. Koshin, Gender and Development Consultant, Koshin Consultancy (Somalia)
- Gender, youth and Europe: how to advocate for gender mainstreaming in the European context? by Wieke Vink, Youth representative, Dutch National Youth Council
- Taking action: sharing experiences in youth campaigning for gender and peace by Ama van Dantzig, WO=MEN representative of the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), New York
There is no participation fee. A basic lunch as well as coffee and tea will be provided by UNOY Peacebuilders.
To register please send us an e-mail to, including your name, your organisation and position by June 1st. The detailed programme as well as speakers’ biography will be sent upon registration.
June 2, 2010 12:00-19:00
Laan van Meerdervoort 70, The Hague
4th floor, conference room