Next Courses
Find out about our courses on the study of Latin America that are open to all students from Dutch universities and interested persons.
BA 6. Brazilië: democratie, burgerschap en duurzame ontwikkeling
Dr. F. de Castro/ Prof. Dr. K. Koonings
vr. 03-05-13
Tijd: 10.00-13.00
BA 7. De identiteit van de stad
Dr. C. Klaufus
wo. 08-05-13
Tijd: 11.15-14.00
BA 8 & MA6 The political economy of petro-states: Venezuela in a comparative context
Prof. Javier Corrales (Amherst College)
Period: Friday 3 May (ONLY 1st class!) – Tuesday 2 July 2013
13.00 – 15.00 hours (MA students stay till 16:00)
Bachelor Course / Master Course