
Learn about online safety with Totem

Totem is the online platform where journalists and activists can learn more about digital safety and privacy tools. It is created by Free Press Unlimited and Greenhost, and the courses are free and available for you!

Digital security has never been more important for journalists and activists. Threats often come from states, that gather extensive information about journalists such as their whereabouts, networks or sources. Authorities can then use this intelligence to intimidate the media. Journalists and media organisations often lack the awareness and capacity effectively to protect themselves, their information and their sources.

If private online communication of these journalists ends up in the wrong hands, it may be used against them or their sources. Because of this, Free Press Unlimited and Greenhost created the online learning platform Totem. On this platform, journalists and activists can learn how to apply tools and tactics for digital safety and privacy in their work.

"Not a journalist? No problem. The Totem courses are for everyone who wants to learn how to protect him/herself online."

At the moment there are five English Totem courses available on the website. On average a course will take an hour, which enables you to boost your knowledge quickly.

  • In How the Internet Works you will learn who owns the internet and how messages on the internet travel from one person to another. This course is the perfect basis for the other Totem courses.
  • Have you ever clicked on a suspicious link? Then the Phishing Attacks course is something for you. In this course you will learn how to recognize even the most advanced phishing attacks and what to do in the event that you have become a victim of phishing.
  • In Safe Passwords you will learn what a strong password looks like and how you can manage multiple passwords in a simple and secure way.
  • How safe are your WhatsApp messages really? The course on Secure Messaging Apps explains what encryption means and how you can better protect the information that you share with your friends and colleagues.
  • In the How to Bypass Internet Censorship course you learn how to protect your online identity with tools such as VPN and Tor. The course was designed for people in Iran, but is interesting for everyone who wants to stay anonymous on the internet.

Feel like starting already? You can find the free courses on Totem.

Are you a trainer in digital security and do you want to use Totem in your work? Then we would like to hear from you! Send an e-mail to