While rich countries are to blame for the global financial crisis, it is the poor who are hit hardest. Curious to learn more about the consequences of the financial crisis for developing countries? Interested in issues such as the impact of the crisis on foreign investments, fragile states, the MDG’s, and the future role of the World bank and the IMF?
Subscribe to one of the master classes (English or Dutch), work hand in hand with various experts from business and NGOs, politicians and scientists, and provide advice to Dutch politicians on how to mitigate the negative impact of this Western crisis on developing countries. Interested? Check the website!
The opening speech will be held by Ewoud Goudswaard, president of ASN Bank. Afterwards, Students will have the chance to participate in a master class of their choice. Several master classes have almost reached its maximum amount of applicants, so please do not forget to register.
Each master class group will have a chance to defend one of their recommendations before a Panel of Experts. We are proud to be able to inform you that Jeroen Blüm (Shell Foundation), Mei Li Vos (PvdA) en Mariken Gaanderse (ICCO) are seated in this Panel.
The winning group will have the opportunity to offer a booklet will all recommendations to several Members of Parliament and Minister of Development Cooperation, Bert Koenders.