

The English-language CEDLA Master’s Programme (CMP) offers a small-scale, multi-disciplinary education in Latin American Studies. The CMP leads to a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree, lasts 15 months and earns 75 credits (ECs). Students spend approximately three months of the study in research training in Latin America. It is closely connected to the research programme of CEDLA.

The CMP first familiarises students with the most important developments in the region, as well as the different theories and research debates about the causes and meanings of those developments, and the necessary methodologies to carry out academic research in Latin America. It then provides students with the opportunity of doing independent research in Latin America. Building upon their previous education and geared to their future plans, students can specialise in themes that are of particular interest to them through their choice of courses and research projects.

The CEDLA Master’s Programme is aimed toward the study and research of current developments in Latin America, as well as their historical background. From the perspective of different disciplines, attention is given to the most important issues in the region, including the characteristics of the Latin American continent and the manner in which recent processes of globalisation are changing the living conditions of the inhabitants.

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