CEDLA Master Courses Latin American Studies 2012-13
RL 1. Environmental Changes in Latin America:
Impacts, Conflicts, and PartnershipsDr. P. van Dijck, Dr. B. Hogenboom, Dr. F. de Castro
Tue. 30-10-12
Time: 14.00-17.00
MA 1. Globalisation, Regionalisation, and Economic Development in LA
Dr. P. van Dijck
Thu. 22-11-12
Time: 14.00-17.00
RL 2. Cultural Resources in Urban Research: Identity, Space, and Gender
Dr. C. Klaufus, Dr. A. Ouweneel, Dr. A. Ypeij
Fri. 02-11-12
Time: 10.15-13.00
MA 3. Transnational Migration and Remittances
Dr. C. Klaufus
Thu. 29-11-12
Time: 10.15-13.00
MA 2. Neo-extractivism, Mineral Governance, and Development in Latin America
Dr. B. Hogenboom/ Dr. M. de Theije
Wed. 06-02-13
Time: 14.00-17.00
MA 4. Simulating City Life in Film and on Television
Dr. A. Ouweneel
Thu. 07-02-13
Time: 10.15-13.00
MA 5. Social Movements and Democracy:
Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Latin America
CEDLA offers a series of courses at the Master level. These courses are open to Master students from all Dutch universities, as well as interested persons with a BA or MA degree. Participants in the latter category are required to pay a fee of 25 euros per ECT.
Students can subscribe to the Master courses by filling out the digital registration form on our website. This form can be found on the CEDLA Education webpage. As most Master courses allow only a limited number of participants you are kindly advised to register at an early stage.
CEDLA also offers the CEDLA Master’s Programme (CMP). This multidisciplinary programme takes 15 months and familiarises students with the most important developments in Latin America, as well as with theories and methodologies required to carry out their academic research.
The Master courses and CEDLA Master’s Programme are directly linked to ongoing research of the CEDLA staff. The ongoing research at CEDLA is concentrated in two research lines that are presented in two Master courses:
– Research Line 1: Environmental challenges in Latin America: impacts, conflicts and partnerships
– Research Line 2: Cultural resources in urban research: identity, space and gender.
The two research lines are presented in two integrated Master courses RL1 and RL2. Within both research lines, the more specific Master Courses MA1 – MA5 are organised, as well as socalled Lecturas Guiadas (tutorials) LG1 – LG5. Note that not all Lecturas Guiadas are in the English language, and that their work load may vary.
Master Course objectives
The Master courses aim at providing MA scholars with analytical tools, insights into theoretical approaches and empirical knowledge on the subject matter. Lectures and literature stimulate participants to distinguish multidisciplinary perspectives. By discussing literature as part of the curriculum, students are trained to develop critical views both verbally as well as in writing. The examination at the end of the course tests the understanding of the course material and the capability to summarise material, and to write an English language academic report. Students that extend their participation in a course by writing a full paper are required to do so by formulating an academic question, constructing a framework to approach the research question, and to work towards a clear presentation of the issues and the formulation of conclusions and reflections.
Course loads may vary between 6 and 10 ECs as indicated per course. ECs stand for a study load the equivalent of 28 hours of study. Usually, participation in the course counts for 1 EC. The rest of the course-specific ECs will be realized by studying literature in preparation of the examination, writing small essays or notes, or writing a full paper, depending on the course and the preferences of individual staff members and participants.