Following a multi-disciplinary perspective, CEDLA welcomes PhD projects that address theoretical questions about contemporary environmental governance in Latin America grounded in strong empirical research related to one of the following topics:
1) Mineral extraction (metals or hydrocarbons)
2) Protected areas
3) Bioenergy
A clear connection between Environmental Governance and the proposed research should be made, including originality in the research topic, relevance for the Latin American perspective, and the theoretical contribution to the environmental governance perspective.
This call for PhD projects is closely connected to the FP7 Collaborative Research Project ‘Environmental Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Developing Frameworks for Sustainable and Equitable Natural Resource Use’ (ENGOV), funded by the European Commission. The PhD students will be supervised by the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation, and they will obtain their degree at the University of Amsterdam.
CEDLA can fund one PhD project (four years), preferably by someone who is already based in the Netherlands. In addition, CEDLA welcomes proposals from Latin American, European and other candidates who have other sources of funding. Interested candidates should send a short research proposal (1000 words) along with a motivation letter, C.V., one letter of recommendation, and copies of university degrees and academic transcript to under subject “Environmental Governance PhD project”. Deadline for application is 15 December 2011. Only complete applications submitted before the deadline will be considered.
More information:
CEDLA Secretariat
Monday to Friday: 9 – 17.00 hours.
Telephone: +31 20 525 3498 / 2521
Fax: +31 20 625 5127