The various aspects of our lives keep on changing from time to time. No matter how much we try to keep them constant they always find a way of changing and for us to continue surviving we need adopt. Mary Atieno, now 33, lived a comfortable life until 2010 when her husband, the family breadwinner, died. She had no job or money to raise her three children;
1. Maxwell Oringa- 13 years
2. Ruth Anyango- 10 years
3. Mercy Auma- 3 ½ years
She felt useless and was about to give up until she remembered the old English saying phrase when life gives you lemons make lemonade. She did vibaruas (odd jobs) for some time. She saved most of the money and she was able to start her own small tomato kiosk. With the money she was able to feed,cloth and shelter her children. Luckily along the long struggle to survive she was enrolled to Dodore Foundation where she gets a monthly donation of ksh. 1000 which she adds on to pay the children’s school fees.
Currently her life is not where she would like it to be but she is very grateful for it because all her children are healthy, they are in school, they have a roof over their head and they have some food to eat. However, she is worried about next year because Maxwell Oringa will be joining High School and the school fee is slightly high when enrolling. She has tried to save but it has proven impossible because her family and household needs exceed her income.
Mary Atieno is very grateful to Dodore Foundation for the monthly contributions they donate to her. Her only wish right now is to find someone would sponsor her son to High School next year for.