The leading questions are:
What kind of management is required in networks? And how does this relate to common tools for project management, tools for monitoring and evaluation, and requirements for getting funding for projects?
Based on two concrete case experiences, we jointly will analyse them against the network approach we use in practice and research. With you we hope to discuss your experiences in networking, and any other network approaches you use.
As the organisers of this expert meeting, we wish to exchange experiences and views with you as practitioners, and to identify what issues regarding network management need to be addressed. What are the puzzles to solve, and what pearls are there to be found in the experiences we share at this meeting that might be helpful for finding more answers?
Programme / 13 April 2011 / 13.30 – 17.00
13:30 Registration, coffee and tea
14:00 Opening and Welcome
14:10 Networks and Alliances: what is it and can they be managed?
14:30 Cases: Achieving results in and with networks and alliances!
• Alliance Building in the North
• Programmatic working in Southern Alliances and Networks
15:15 Reflection on cases with language and tools from the Free Actor in Networks (FAN) Approach
15:45 Graffiti discussion on emerging issues: Puzzles & Pearls
16:30 Taking up the challenge: conclusions of the day
17:00 Reception
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