Seminar ‘Mobility and Urbanization’
28 of January 2011, 15h. CEDLA, Room S.02
This seminar focuses on the influence of contemporary forms of mobility on urbanization processes and local development in Latin America. Using various disciplinary perspectives, the presenters explore how national and transnational flows of people, money, and land titles influence incipient and existing urban areas. Themes such as gentrification, polycentric cities and residential tourism will be addressed, presenting data from Lima, Cusco, Cuenca and two coastal regions in Costa Rica. The aim of the seminar is to generate some fresh insights in the current challenges for Latin American urban development.
Presentations: Dr. Annelou Ypeij – CEDLA, Dr. Christien Klaufus – CEDLA, Dr. Griet Steel – IOB-University of Antwerp, Femke van Noorloos – Utrecht University
Dr. Ana M. Fernandez Maldonado – Delft University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Annelies Zoomers – Utrecht University
Venue: CEDLA, Keizersgracht 395-397. 1016 EK Amsterdam
Afro-Colombian Culture under the Threat of Armed Conflict
11th of February, 15.30-17.00
Dr. Jaime Arocha
Departamento de Antropología / Grupo de Estudios Afrocolombianos,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Venue: CEDLA, Keizersgracht 395-397. 1016 EK Amsterdam
Políticas públicas, Desigualdad Social y Ciudadanía en Chile
25 de marzo, 15.30-17.00
Speaker: Vicente Espinoza (Universidad de Santiago de Chile/TCLA)
Referent: Patricio Silva (Universiteit Leiden)
Venue: CEDLA, Keizersgracht 395-397. 1016 EK Amsterdam
Is equitable and sustainable resource extraction possible in Latin America?
8 of April, 15.30-17.00
Speaker: Joan Martínez Alier (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Referent: Don Sawyer (CDS, Universidade de Brasília)
Venue: Doelenzaal. Singel 421-427, 1012 WP Amsterdam
Accessibility There is virtually no parking space in the vicinity of Singel 425. From Amsterdam CS you can take the following trams: 1, 2 and 5 (Koningsplein stop).
The Origins of Drug Trafficking in the Americas: Illicit Cocaine, 1945-73
15 of april, 15.30-17.00
Speaker: Paul Gootenberg (State University of New York)
Referent: Michiel Baud (CEDLA)
Venue: CEDLA, Keizersgracht 395-397. 1016 EK Amsterdam
The Decline of Conservative Rule in Brazil: A Reversal of Political Fortune
13 of May, 15.30-17.00
Speaker: Al Montero (Carleton College)
Referent: Imke Harbers CEDLA / UvA)
Venue: CEDLA, Keizersgracht 395-397. 1016 EK Amsterdam
Hugo Chávez. Oliekoning in Venezuela
27 mei, 15.30-17.00
Edwin Koopman (Trouw, VPRO en Wereldomroep)
Referent: Kees Koonings (Universiteit Utrecht)
Venue: CEDLA, Keizersgracht 395-397. 1016 EK Amsterdam
Alle lezingen worden gegeven in de taal van de titel, toegang is gratis en er is geen noodzaak u vantevoren op te geven, wij verzoeken u wel vriendelijk op tijd aanwezig te zijn.
All lectures will be given in the language of the title, admission is free and there is no need to register; however you are kindly requested to be on time.
Todas las conferencias y debates serán en la lengua de su título y abstract. La entrada es libre para todas las personas interesadas. Se agradacederá la puntualidad de los asistentes.