a co-creative journey into the new economy

the caravan of love, a co-creative journey into the new economy will kick-off thursday evening 7 dec.
this is a series of events taking place once every two weeks on a thusday evening 20:00 – 22:00.
in the theater of the tropical institute, linneausstraat 2.
it is a workshop in which we answer questions like: what does this new economy look like? where is it happening already? how can i join?
we will play games, invite speakers, have conversations, interactive sessions and more.
our compass is a simple framework that enables us to add the dimension of consciousness to economic modelling.
we use the framework to integrate all the many initiatives that strive for a better world.
more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/129655097747235/
the caravan of love is part of debut amsterdam: https://www.facebook.com/DebutAmsterdam/
Van 7 december om 20:00 t/m