Course lecturers: Dr. Fabio de Castro
Tel./mail 020 525 3257 /
Period: 10 January – 28 February 2018
Time: Wednesday 13:00 – 16:00 hours
Course load: 6 EC
Local communities and nature have always influenced each other in how social and environmental patterns are shaped in rural Latin America. After the European colonization, community-nature nexus has become increasingly influenced by external factors.
This course aims at introducing part of the diversity of natural resource use and management patterns in Latin America. Particular focus will be given to how local users shape their resource governance systems and how they are influenced by other actors (e.g., state, NGOs, experts, corporations). The course will have an interdisciplinary perspective and will address multiple concepts, methods and policy issues related to research and practice of community-based management systems in the region. The lectures will primarily focus on rural communities but will include urban-related initiatives. Although the readings will emphasize Latin America, conceptual and methodological discussions are related to other regions as well. I expect you to leave this course with a general understanding of key issues characterizing local management systems in Latin America, to be able to address processes of transformation of those systems both theoretically and methodologically, and to relate them to environmental, economic and social implications in the region.