Imagine yourself answering a phone call from a kidnapper. Do you feel confident enough to deal with such a call effectively? INGOs that are active in high-risk areas form an easy target in an increasing number of kidnappings around the world. Fortunately, kidnappings can be dealt with appropriately when those who receive incoming calls, for instance duty officers, centralists and emergency desk operators, are well prepared and confident enough to handle the first call. Our Crisis Negotiation Workshop equips call handlers with sufficient insights and skills, in order to respond adequately, thus creating the key to a successful outcome.
Your trainer, Heidi A. Nieboer – Martini, is an expert in the field of crisis negotiation and will share her best practices. In addition, there will be role playing and interaction in multiple practical exercises with an actor. From this you will learn and practise skills to handle a first call. A safe learning environment is maintained at all times.
Knowledge & Skills
* Determining where a phone call might come in
* Basic negotiation skills
* Insight into negotiation process
Further information
Language: English
Duration: 1 day
Venue: The Hague, the Netherlands
Please feel free to contact us for more information. backoffice@centreforsafety.org
Apply for this event
EU 449,- Including course materials, lunch, coffee/ tea (VAT is not applicable).