Dear Colleagues,
Are you interested in increasing your skills in participatory evaluation methodology?
PhotoVoice is a community-based, participatory and visual research methodology, which leads to collaborative partnerships between researchers and communities. Participants get to tell their own stories using cameras to document key impacts (intended and unintended) of project interventions. Photographs taken provide visual voice for participants, helping express their needs/viewpoints that may not otherwise be captured by more traditional, researcher-driven methods. Using this methodology is often empowering and transformative for participants.
“The Most Significant Change” (MSC) technique is another qualitative evaluation tool based on participatory processes. MSC involves the collection of stories of significant changes for the beneficiaries caused by the intervention. Through in-depth discussions of these stories by the stakeholders and beneficiaries, important effects of the intervention are uncovered that may remain unclear through traditional M&E approaches.
These two tools can be use separately, or in combination, to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions using the input from the people that are involved in and affected by the programme.
For those interested in strengthening their theory theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the use of Photovoice and Most Significant Change (MSC) methodologies in various scenarios (independently and in combination), ResultsinHealth is organising a 3-day or a 4-day training on Photovoice and MSC from 25 – 28 November 2019.
The training will be facilitated by Karijn Kakebeeke, a certified Photovoice trainer and documentary photographer and filmmaker, and Nur Hidayati, a highly skilled trainer in participatory M&E approaches with years of experience in implementing Most Significant Change techniques in both health and non-health settings.
For more information, including cost and registration information, please see our brochure. Please feel free to forward this invitation to others you think may be interested in this training. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you to our training at RiH, November 25 – 28. Spaces are limited – please contact us today to reserve yours at
RiH Impact Team
Van 25 november om 9:00 t/m 28 november 2019 om 17:00