Vluchtroute #30 – Refugees Exploited

- Pakhuis de Zwijger

Migrants, rejected asylumseekers, refugees with a Dublinclaim who have no status often end up in a vulnerable position in the Netherlands due to their legal, social and medical situation. Especially the refugees with a Dublinclaim are systematically excluded from aid and shelter because the Netherlands appoints them to the countries where this group entered Europe first, mostly countries in the south such as Italy and Spain. As a result, they often end up on the streets in precarious and exploitative situations that have already started outside of the Netherlands. This evening we will discuss the situation with researchers, human rights organizations and stakeholders from Amsterdam and Italy.

Free reservation via our website: https://dezwijger.nl/programma/refugees-exploited


Meeuw Kollen – Juridisch Casemanager bij Recht in Zicht, een project van het Leger des Heils dat zich richt op slachtoffers mensenhandel

Suzanne Hoffs – Internationaal coördinator La Strada International; Netwerk tegen Mensenhandel in Europa

Kevin de Sabbata – Docent en onderzoeker aan het Athena Instituut van de Vrije Universiteit

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